Rotarians will be ready again to serve barbecued chicken to the senior citizens of Ayer, Harvard, Shirley and Devens on Oct. 5, from noon to 2 p.m., at the Bob Eisengrein Community Center, Devens.  The annual event is free for senior citizens and includes music by the Nashoba Valley Concert Band.
Rotary’s Senior Citizen Chicken BBQ Planned for Oct. 5
The much-anticipated annual Senior Citizens’ Chicken BBQ will be Saturday, October 5, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Bob Eisengrein Community Center on Devens.  This annual event is hosted by the Rotary Club of Ayer, Harvard, Shirley and Devens and is free to all senior citizens who live in those communities.
The meal will include barbecued chicken, side salads, rolls, desert, soda and coffee.  Entertainment will be provided by the Nashoba Valley Concert Band.  The Community Center (formerly the Officer’s Club on Fort Devens) is at 100 Sherman Avenue, Devens.
At this event, Rotarians will also be collecting unneeded crutches, folding walkers, wheelchairs and canes for its ongoing Crutches Recycling Project, which unites unused mobility aids with people who need them. 
In addition to the Crutches Recycling Project, the Rotary Club runs the Ramps to Freedom Project, which builds handicapped ramps at no charge for housebound people in the area.  The club is also known for its charitable donations, and the Dictionary Project which gives a dictionary to every third grader in the area.
The club raises funds for its projects through community-supported fundraisers, including the world-famous Ducky Wucky River Race and Apple Blossom Festival, held annually in Harvard in May.
The Rotary Club is comprised of business professionals who live or work in the Ayer, Harvard, Shirley and Devens area and who are interested in community service both locally and internationally. Anyone interested in joining the Ayer Rotary Club is invited to attend a weekly Thursday meeting, starting at 6:30 p.m., at the Bull Run Restaurant.  For more information, contact