Our Annual Senior Citizen Chicken Barbecue and Ramps to Freedom Project put smiles on the faces of senior citizens recently.
Helping Senior Citizens with Two Important Projects: Chicken and Ramps
We like to do nice things, and our Annual Senior Citizens Chicken Barbecue is a free lunch of grilled chicken, salads, rolls, desert and coffee for seniors in our service area. This year, we served about 150 seniors who were entertained by our friends at the Nashoba Valley Concert Band, at the Devens Community Center.

We were also pleased to help a housebound neighbor by building a ramp on the home. While our Ramps to Freedom Project typically builds a wooden ramp, this situation called for regrading the landscape and fixing the driveway. Rotarian Jimmy Pinard of Pinard's Landscaping, along with his brother, Mark, donated their time and equipment to take on this task. We will let the photos speak for themselves. If you know a neighbor in need who is homebound and could use a ramp to freedom, let us know.