Cleaning out your attic can change a person's life. Here's how.
Imagine if you could not walk. Imagine you had no wheelchair or crutches. How would you get out of bed? How would you cook? How would you go to the store or work?
In developing nations, countless individuals living with physical disabilities do not have access to mobility aids. They are left to crawl or be carried.
Yet, in closets and attics across the U.S., countless crutches, folding walkers, canes and wheelchairs sit unused, no longer needed. Our Crutches Recycling Project seeks to unite your unneeded mobility aids with people in desperate need.
We collect unwanted mobility aids and ship them to people living with physical disabilities in developing countries. We partner with Crutches4Africa, founded by a Colorado Rotarian, Dave Talbot, a polio survivor now contending with post-polio syndrome.
"We so overlook the gift of mobility that we don't realize how powerful it is," says Dave. "Crutches4Africa has given me the ability to say yes to people who are literally crawling on the ground."
If you have items to donate or would like more information about this project please email us at ayerrotary@gmail.com